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This forum is dedicated to discussing issues related to the use and development of the Peropesis Linux operating system.

Peropesis Forum Questions

by certainquirk, Colorado, USA, Saturday, October 29, 2022, 01:42 (637 days ago)

I've got a couple questions about the Peropesis Forum:

1. Is it just me or are long lines disappearing about a word or so before they wrap and become visible again? (They appear fine in a preview and after they're posted).

2. The forum software uses BBCode and should output new line with a return/enter. Instead, my lines come out as one long paragraph. To create the break lines in this post I used bold formatting, and I added spaces because I don't know the escapes: [ b ][ /b ].

There, I did it again. Also, I have to add a space before the [ /b ] on the empty line.
(Hope I explained that OK!)

Wannabe hacker, perpetual newbie.

Peropesis Forum Questions

by g, Saturday, October 29, 2022, 15:04 (637 days ago) @ certainquirk
edited by g, Saturday, October 29, 2022, 15:11

Thank you for letting me know.

1. This is an HTML error I created. Over time, I'll fix it.
2. In your case, the php str_replace() function (or maybe not) created the following HTML code:

<p>Paragraph<strong><br />
</strong><br /></p>

What if you create a paragraph and press enter twice (or few times) without any bold tag? In my case, a new paragraph with a space is created. HTML code:

New paragraph</p>

Peropesis Forum Questions

by certainquirk, Colorado, USA, Saturday, October 29, 2022, 21:36 (636 days ago) @ g

Hi g, OK, so the run-on lines are solved.

But enter/return only seems like it gave me some new lines but will give me this...

(return, return) anyway.

Wannabe hacker, perpetual newbie.

Peropesis Forum Questions

by g, Tuesday, November 01, 2022, 16:15 (634 days ago) @ certainquirk

First problem (with long line) was fixed - the whole row is now visible ('overflow: hidden;' has been set up).
What about enter/return problem maybe a screenshot would help? Because I don't really know what's wrong.

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