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Thoughts about importing a package manager

by g, Sunday, November 13, 2022, 10:31 (622 days ago) @ sskras

Compilation with 'Make' is currently under development. As you know, 'Make' is a build automation tool that automatically builds executable programs and libraries from source code by reading files called Makefiles which specify how to derive the target program (source). In some cases, the future release with 'Make' software already works perfectly, that is to say succeeded to compile some random software packages smoothly. So 'Make' will make it easy to install and update software by typing a few simple commands at the command line.

This level of software installation system (compiling whith 'make' from source) is liked for me personally. I don't have a strong opinion about an advanced, more user-friendly, but no longer user-controlled software installation system. I think it doesn't conflict with this project and in the future it would be possible to proceed with its implementation, if this would give someone a joy and benefit.

What's your opinion of this?

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