New program suggestions
I want to suggest a few programs maybe to be installed by default in your next update:
mpv media player - A cross platform media player. Figure out how to implement this to peropesis.
yt-dlp - A program that installs youtube files.
neofetch - A program that displays ascii art and some info.
tmux - Use multiple terminals.
Hope you install them!
Thanks, aronas
New program suggestions
I'm interested to hear your reasons for installing and using mpv application within Peropesis. What are your thoughts on screen utility? Also, how did you manage to install Peropesis on the hard drive? I can't quite figure it out!
New program suggestions
I want to suggest a few programs maybe to be installed by default in your next update:
In the meantime I would like to suggest you trying a cross-platform and source-based package manager pkgsrc. It comes from NetBSD, but works on Glibc-based Linuces too. I built some software like Rust, Clang, diffr, delta earlier this year using it on Ubuntu and Debian.
mpv media player - A cross platform media player. Figure out how to implement this to peropesis.
yt-dlp - A program that installs youtube files.
neofetch - A program that displays ascii art and some info.
tmux - Use multiple terminals.
Three of them are in the stable repository of pkgsrc:
... and one still sits in the testing (WIP) repo:
New program suggestions
Hey, all,
Thank you for suggestions. I made a note of the suggestions and I'll think about it.
Dainis, Peropesis 2.8 edition is not adapted for writing distribution to hard disk.
For the pkgsrc. I tried to install in Peropesis 2.8, works perfectly:
get pkgsrc
$ wget
$ tar -xvf pkgsrc.tar.xz
$ cd pkgsrc/bootstrap
$ ./bootstrap --prefix /opt/pkg-2024Q3 --prefer-pkgsrc yes --make-jobs 4
build a package (I built BitchX)
$ cd pkgsrc/chat/BitchX
$ /opt/pkg-2024Q3/bin/bmake install
run the installed program
$ /opt/pkg-2024Q3/bin/BitchX
Lets try to install mpv. Does it work?
P.S. It would be a nice idea if someone developed package manager for Peropesis.